viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2021

La historia del nazi que fue clonado en América del Sur

Qué pensaría el nazi chileno Peter Hansen,  al  saber que en 1984 su imagen fue clonada por científicos afines al nazismo . Uno de los tres suramericanos que integraron el bando nazi bajo las órdenes de Adolf Hitler.  Y Amigo personal de Hitler. 

Peter Hansen 

Daniel García 

The beginnings of this story and this book came to us in 1984 from DON ANGEL ALCAZAR de VELASCO, Sharkhunters Member #158.  His was a crazy story - he was a German agent during the war; spent the final three or so months of the war in the Führerbunker; that he made a daily report to Adolf Hitler in person - and that he saw Hitler and Eva Braun forcibly drugged and removed from the Führerbunker under orders of Martin Bormann.  Further, that he met with Adolf Hitler in a remote part of the world (Patagonia) in late 1952!  We were certain at this point that he was either crazy or a liar.

To be certain, we checked with PETER HANSEN, Sharkhunters Member #251 who was a high level German agent during the war and also with Captain ROBERT THEW, Member #333 who was an American Intel agent with the Office of Naval Intelligence and later he was with the NSA.  They both said the same - DON ANGEL was exactly who and what he said he was and further, Captain THEW confirmed in 1988 that the Intelligence Community knew that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide; that he did indeed escape to Argentina.

We reported this historical blockbuster in our KTB Magazine way back then and naturally, most thought we were crazy - but we kept digging.  More and more evidence - hard evidence, came to light.  We knew that we had a real story, even though back in the late 1980's and into the 1990's we were looked on as crazies. 


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Diseño por Daniel Felipe Garcia | seudónimo 666 - La Bestia - Lucifer